=== Inspired Taste Recipe === == Installation == In addition to copying the plugin files in the WordPress plugin directory there are a couple of additional files that need to be eddited. They are: wp-content/wptouch-data/themes/cms-inspiredtaste/default/single.php (WPtouch stars) wp-content/wptouch-data/extensions/amp/amp_style.php (AMP page styling which lives in WPtouch child theme) wp-content/wptouch-data/extensions/amp/wp-amp/templates/single.php (For AMP JSON and stars) wp-content/thesis/boxes/godhammer-modified-breadcrumbs/box.php (no longer needed but saved) There are some variable that contain the section headings and they can be adjusted in the code to change the section headings in the output HTML. These are in two places /includes/frontend-fields.php and itr-print.php. Note if you need to include a ' (single quote) there are two ways to allow this. The best is to use a \ (backslash) in front of it to escape the value from being picked up as the end of the string. The other method is to use " (double quotes) to enclose the string. These heading are styled to be upper case. There are the variable as they are set originaly: $itr_ingedents_sh = 'You Will Need'; $itr_directions_sh = 'Directions'; $itr_tips_sh = 'Adam and Joanne\'s Tips'; $itr_nutrition_sh = 'Nutrition'; In addition the plugin needs to insert some bits of html via a theme hook, this is controlled by a variable names that are user definable through the theme editor. We need to add this ID so we can reference it. To do this edit the single page template in thesis find the Post Byline Container and give it an ID of "byline_cont". We then hook into before_byline_cont to add the review stars before the post but after the title. There is a settings screen in wp-admin where you can control what category the plugin is active for. This will need to be set here. This category will not show in the breadcrumb and controls the appearance of the data entry fields on the post screen. You will want to select this category to "enable" the plugin on that post. To inclued a recipe in a post you will need to include a shortcode [itrecipe] This plugin requires that the Advanced Custom Fields Pro plugin is installed and activated. == Changel Log == = 1.6 = Fix PHP 8.2 php warnings. = 1.4 = Affinity launch! = 1.3 = Updated quite a few things for the sticky navigation bar launch. = 1.2.1 = Updated frontend fields to wrap the recipe video in a new div. = 1.2 = Updated ratings.php on two lines to fix php 8.1 warnings. = 1.1.9 = Updated and cleaned recipe print functions. Added an updated print button with print script to the print page. = 1.1.8 = Added "+ Video" to "Jump to Recipe" button depending on video field being registered or not. = 1.1.7 = Added jump to recipe button to Thesis function. PHP 8 compliant. = 1.1.6 = Added video oEmbed output into the recipe before ingredients. Rolled query string parameter update into this revision. Updated front-end-fields.php = 1.1.5 = Updated schema link to be https and added contentURL reminder. = 1.1.4 = Added ACF fields for new recipe schema: Category, Cuisine and Keywords. Edited fields.php and frontend-fields.php. Added fields and JSON for new fields. = 1.1.3 = Removed code to output different stylesheets for mobile and desktop. All I did was comment out the enqueue stylesheet code in the inspiredtasterecipe.php file. Then I copy and pasted desktop styling into Thesis and copy pasted mobile styling into WPtouch. = 1.1.2 = PHP 7.1 Compatibility. Added intval to cook, prep and total time calculation. Removed new lines and single quotes from review JSON and JSON recipe description. = 1.1.1 = Changed the print page to from <h2> so browser uses correct title for saving PDF. = 1.1 = Changed the print headings for nutrition facts and author. = 1.0.9 = Edited frontend-fields.php and itr-print.php file to remove is_amp_endpoint logic on nutrition facts. When amp was disabled this logic was causing the front end to not function properly. Rendering blank pages. = 1.0.8 = Video and Review schema had lower cases. Changed videoobject to Videoobject and peron to Person in the review markup. = 1.0.7 = Removed class-cbw-comment-json-walker.php and class-cbw-comment-nester.php files to clean up and make the plugin PHP 7 compliant. Note: Also had to remove calls on lines 34-37 to those files in the main plugin file inspiredtastrecipe.php. = 1.0.6 = Corrects issue where some themes were activating header content on all pages = 1.0.5 = Move ratings star partial fill style inline into the template to mitigate rendering issues in certain browsers/views. Remove <title> tag from print icon svg to prevent SEO parsers from throwing errors. = 1.0.4 = Prevents extra comma from rendering in JSON output when there are not reviews to include = 1.0.3 = Fixes Pagination page issue Prevents empty review section from appearing = 1.0.2 = Fixes Pagination issue to include pingbacks and trackbacks in pagination = 1.0.1 = Limits Comments for AMP and JSON output to approved comments only = 1.0 = Initial Release