Inspired Taste began as a hobby, turned into a dream and now has become our business. Since beginning Inspired Taste in 2009, we’ve been featured or mentioned across the web and in a few magazines. (So cool). Take a look below to see where:

Pepper Steak Slow Cooker Recipe | Spry Living
Stuffed Shells With Sausage and Spinach | Fox News Magazine
Blogging with Inspired Taste Feature | Pillsbury Magazine 2012 Fall Issue
Apple Pie Inspired Recipes | Huffington Post, Huffpost Taste
Nutella Chocolate Truffles | Steamy Kitchen
Delicious Links | The Kitchn
10 Crazy S’mores Recipes | Bon Appétit
Acorn Squash with Walnuts and Cranberries | Best-Loved Family Christmas Recipes, More
Carrots with Pomegranate Glaze | Recipe of the Week, POM Wonderful
Swirled Chocolate Bark | Foodista’s, Best of Food Blogs Cookbook
8 Blogs Worth Bookmarking| Cosmopolitan Australia Magazine July 2011
Breakfast at Your Desk: Chocolate Zucchini Bread | (Vitamin G Blog)
20 Questions with Inspired Taste | Refrigerator Soup
Picture in Pizza for breakfast? | PMQ Magazine
Tastespotting | Photography
Foodgawker | Photography
Thesis Showcase | WordPress Thesis Theme Showcase
Inspired to Cook | On Today by Beverly Lynn Weber Blog
A kind mention | Bon Appetit Hon Blog
A kind mention | Quite Like It Blog
Inspiration to Cook | Greenpurls