Edible Cookie Dough (5 Flavors!)

Edible Cookie Dough (5 Flavors!)

Edible cookie dough is simple to make. It’s very similar to baked cookies. You can use a hand mixer or a stand mixer. If you don’t have a mixer, you can make the dough by hand. The texture won’t be as fluffy, but it will still taste great.

Use the basic recipe as a base for all five flavors. The base recipe ingredient amounts stay the same for the chocolate chip, double chocolate chip, and snickerdoodle flavors. For the peanut butter flavor, you need to reduce the butter called for in the basic recipe. For the oatmeal cookie flavor, you need to reduce the flour called for in the basic recipe.

Important: There is a potential risk of foodborne illness from consuming raw flour. For safety, we highly recommend heat-treating your flour or using commercially heat-treated flour (DŌ heat-treated flour is available online in smaller bags). The FDA recommends commercially heat-treated flour over heat-treated flour at home. With that said, many bakers heat-treat their flour for edible cookie dough, and I have shared how to heat-treat flour at the beginning of the recipe below.

1 cup of cookie dough

You Will Need


Adam and Joanne's Tips

NUTRITION PER SERVING: Serving Size About 2 tablespoons / Calories 126 / Total Fat 5.9g / Saturated Fat 3.6g / Cholesterol 15.3g / Sodium 79.4mg / Carbohydrate 17g / Dietary Fiber 0.3g / Total Sugars 8.1g / Protein 1.4g
AUTHOR: Adam Gallagher
The full recipe post can be found on Inspired Taste here: https://www.inspiredtaste.net/37697/edible-cookie-dough/