Lemon Ginger Beet Juice

Lemon Ginger Beet Juice

In this beet juice, the beets taste sweet and earthy, lemon and ginger add zing, and cucumber adds mineral-rich water. Beets are naturally sweet, so we don’t add any additional fruit except for a lemon. If the juice is too tart or earthy, consider pushing a couple of carrots or an apple through the juicer. If you’re sensitive to ginger’s warming/spicy quality, add a smaller amount first and go from there.

Makes approximately two 8-ounce servings

You Will Need


Adam and Joanne's Tips

NUTRITION PER SERVING: Calories 66 / Carbohydrate 15 g / Total Sugars 8 g / Total Fat 0 g / Cholesterol 0 mg
AUTHOR: Adam Gallagher
The full recipe post can be found on Inspired Taste here: https://www.inspiredtaste.net/34221/lemon-ginger-beet-juice-recipe/