Easy Balsamic Vinaigrette

Easy Balsamic Vinaigrette

Homemade balsamic vinaigrette is a staple recipe in our house. We like vinegary dressings and use twice as much olive oil as vinegar. To make a less vinegary dressing, add more olive oil to taste. I like to add a little sweetener to the dressing. Maple syrup or honey is lovely, or add a little fruitiness with your favorite jam (strawberry jam is especially good). If you are using a thicker balsamic vinegar or one that is aged, it may already taste more sweet, so you may not need to add sweetener.

Makes 3/4 cup

You Will Need


Adam and Joanne's Tips

NUTRITION PER SERVING: Serving Size 1 tablespoon / Calories 87 / Total Fat 9.3g / Saturated Fat 1.3g / Cholesterol 0mg / Sodium 71.4mg / Carbohydrate 1.3g / Dietary Fiber 0g / Total Sugars 1.1g / Protein 0g
AUTHOR: Adam Gallagher
The full recipe post can be found on Inspired Taste here: https://www.inspiredtaste.net/22819/balsamic-vinaigrette-recipe/